Entourage Stroller | Austlen

Austin-based Austlen approached my design team as an early-stage company with a vision of disrupting the disparate stroller industry. They assembled an internal a team of developers from a pool of industry experts and developed a breadboard prototype of an adaptable stroller platform with the hopes to empower parents to transport more of life’s necessities than the traditional stroller could.

With the core idea defined, Austlen needed to make their concept look as good as it was functional and novel. They needed a team to help them design the look and feel, optimize the usability and build collateral to meet investor milestones along the way. Austlen asked us to develop a visual design strategy and build collateral they could use to get through multiple rounds of VC funding. Together we developed a feasible product architecture, rationalized a visual brand language and helped visualize a wide range of potential use-cases to satisfy periodic investor review milestones.

Design team: Hector Rodriquez / Mechanical team: M3 Engineering